
Mónica Serrano Carrera

Patent Administrative Area

- Law Degree

Areas of Practice:

- Patents.
- Filing and prosecution of Patents, Industrial Designs and Utility Models.
- Coordinate and supervise the filing of digital applications for Patents, Industrial Designs and Utility Models.
- Coordinate and supervise the compliance of digital formalities of Patent, Industrial Design and Utility Model applications.
- Industrial Designs and Utility Models.
- Registration of assignments of rights, corporate changes and updating of inventors.
- Processing of applications processed in accordance with the Hague System for the international registration of industrial designs.
- international registration of industrial designs.

Recognitions & Awards:

- ICAMI "Leaders in Development" certification.

Other relevant activities:

- Publication of article: "Cannabis Regulation: is Third Time A Charm?" published in International Law.
- Office (ILO) (March 2020), Mondaq (April 2020).
- Speaker at the Industrial Property Seminar organized by ANADE Jalisco in coordination with the Industrial Property Office on the topic: "Cannabis Regulation: is Third Time A Charm?
- Industrial Property Office with the topic "Protection of Inventions in the International Field".
- (June 2018).
- Publication of the article: "Filing certified copies of priority applications to the Mexican Institute of Industrial
- Property (IMPI)", published in Mondaq (July 2013).
- Publication of article: "Moving into the digital age: online application system gets to work", published in
- International Law Office (ILO) (December 2012).
- Publication of article: "Disclosure of inventions and securing a grace period.", published in International.
- Law Office (ILO) (April 2012).

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